Want to learn how to break out on YouTube but don’t know where to start? No wonder money or peer recognition are just a few of the benefits of being a popular YouTuber. The question of how to stand out often appears on forums, in comments or private messages to creators. Let’s find out how to start a YouTube channel.

YouTube channel: first steps

It’s important to remind yourself that your audience will get to what you have to say. Definitely how to get started is a good question. If you really want to post in a public forum, think carefully. Start with what your goal is and what you are going to do with your channel. Create a name for yourself and your channel, put on creativity. A lot of people asking how to get YouTube views usually make bad videos. All successes are rooted in innovative ideas. In this regard, remember that before you consider the specifics of the channel, you should think about what it will be or what you are. Think about what kind of videos you want to “upload” to your channel. There are many genres on YouTube such as vlogging, gaming, cooking, travel, education and comedy. We are sure that you will definitely choose something for yourself.

youtube channel

Where to start recording videos on YouTube

Let’s deal with the subject comprehensively and answer the question how to start on yt, and actually what we will need. We’ve already established that you don’t have to invest a lot of money to try and get your first 1,000 subscriptions. Free lifehack tips on how to record to YouTube will save you time and money. In this part we will focus on the following aspects of recording on YouTube. It may seem silly to you, but when you ask how to buy YouTube, you expect a lot. Try changing the basics such as background, light and fans will certainly notice and appreciate it. What aspects do you need to address?

  • Light
  • Microphone
  • Camera
  • Background
  • Program for editing

Is a camera necessary?

No. And that’s it. Of course, super-professional equipment, a decent SLR or expensive camera are able to offer much more than a telephone. Of course, if you have a high-end equipment you should absolutely not despise it, but the fact is that people often find the lack of professional equipment a great excuse for nothing do.

In addition, investing in expensive equipment before moving on is an idea that makes no sense. Sure, there are people who think spending money motivates them to take action (e.g. going to the gym), but is that really the rule? How can we be sure that after a month we won’t get bored? That we would not put the equipment in a corner, frustrated and disappointed?


If you do not have a good camera and would like to get a sensational and studio quality it is a good idea to record in bright rooms from 9am to 3pm. The sun is then in the right phase and the color of its light is friendly to catch more details on the matrix. This simple way will make your movies look much better and you will give the impression of recording in a professional studio.


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